Slam harder

I’ve never really added game photos on the photoblog and it might be a little weird because that’s the most i take these times. Since i bringed up the gym previously, and our team plays a very important game tonight, i decided to present you with this photo of Louis Truscott dunking against the CSU Brasov on February 27th. Let’s go team!!

2 responses to “Slam harder”

  1. Faina poza si sa stii ca ai putea baga mai multe! Un mic sfat care tine de detaliu: sa stergi textele din spatele jucatorului, cele care se vad pe panourile publicitare, distrag inutil atentia 😉

  2. Uite sa stii ca o sa bag cateva de la meciuri zilele astea. Am cu gramada dar si unele chiar reusite. In special cele facute cu obiectivele noi. La poza asta subiectul era putin iesit din focus, si m-am chinuit sa-i dau un sharpen detail ceea ce implicit a evidentiat si fundalul. La imaginea de azi m-am jucat putin si cu blur-ul :>

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