
I was out last night with my two buddies Ovi and Claudiu.The plan was to shoot some night images from a hill above our town. After searching 2 weeks for my cable remote i gave up and ordered a new one from ebay. The next day i found it in my winter jacket pocket. Talk about irony. The weather was fine but the dew got my lens before noticing and i messed up most of the long exposures i took.

So instead of landscapes with dozens of seconds, of the moon, the stars and the city i’ll treat you with this image taken before the sunset. I like cows a lot 🙂

Thanks for the visit, let me know what you think of it!

2 responses to “Pastel”

  1. Me like cows too 🙂 Interesting color treatment with this one.

  2. Ai niste poze superbe. Felicitari !!!

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