Salzburg panorama

This photo was taken on my last year vacation to the awesome Austria, from the top of the Salzburg citadel. I remember when i firstly wanted to create the panorama back home that none of the software i was using (CS2, Panorama Factory) weren’t able to stich the images good, so i gave up on it.

Few days ago i was finally able to get a copy of PS CS3 and after playing with some images shot last weeks i remembered about this and i got very hyped in trying it out. It’s still not a perfect stitch since the pole is suddenly ending, but after i recomposed it using clone stamp the thing was disturbing the sight, so i opted for a better view, hope you like it 🙂

Special thanks to Ovi & Carmen for the great times i had!!

P.S. See it bigger on flickr.

P.P.S. I’ve added a fotomoto feature which allows you now to buy the prints you like. This panoramic view is the first available 🙂

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