Lay back

I was initially wanting to go for the colored version, but after i desaturated it, it looked so much better! I also uploaded the color version on my flickr album. Shot in raw, post processing in PS.

11 responses to “Lay back”

  1. foarte tare poza si modeala!;))

  2. Wonderful shot, but I actually think this would have worked better in color, maybe it's just because I love the colors of autumn, and the leafs are just a great background!

  3. Thanks, i appreciate!

  4. Great shot! Whilst I love autumn colours your choice of B&W was spot on in my opinion. Well done indeed!

  5. Thanks Craig, glad you liked it!
    @Mimi, intr-adevar ;))

  6. a bed of leaves – nice idea and sexy composition!

  7. sorry when I say it, but it's a damn good photography! very good sharpness of image.

  8. This is great it reminds of the Mamiya Twin Lens i used to have, great tones, I simply love it.

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