The Schönbrunn pallace was built by architect Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach between the years 1692 and 1713 at the request of emperor Leopold I. It has over 1400 rooms..
The Schönbrunn pallace was built by architect Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach between the years 1692 and 1713 at the request of emperor Leopold I. It has over 1400 rooms..
That's more like it!
Cand ai fost prin Viena?
wow! nice!
Toata saptamana trecuta, am avut si eu concediu :p
PS: Stiu ca-ti place ca am lasat-o fara border si shadow (pe flickr am obiceiul sa pun chestiile alea – ce se vede aici e doar din css)
Superb composition and capture, with lovely colour tones.
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